Alternative Service Break: Supporting Affordable Housing: 03-08-22 to 03-09-22


Thank you for your interest in Durham Tech’s Spring 2022 ASB! You’ll be joining a group of other Durham Tech students as we take a closer look at affordable housing in our area. This two-day event will include an expert panel discussion, volunteer activities, and fellowship with other students in a relaxed, supportive, and inquisitive environment. Topics may include the current state of affordable housing, housing insecurity, and homelessness in our area, as well as discussion of root causes, such as redlining, gentrification, and housing inequities. Volunteer events will familiarize students with organizations and activities that support housing in our communities. 

A Durham Tech Center for College & Community Service representative will be at all ASB events. Please check in with this representative as you arrive.

Click Here to Sign up: ASB Application


Questions? Email

Event date: 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 8:30am to Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - 3:00pm